21 February 2010

Climate Change Rant

Due to this recent snow-fucking, deniers of climate change have developed a hard on. Despite the hard evidence gathered by non-partisan scientist, these individuals take a snow storm, in a isolated area, as evidence that global climate change is not happening. I cannot blame them for wanting this to be a reality. And maybe they are right. But the consequences of them being wrong are much more severe than if climate change believers are wrong.

We have two actions to take: to act, and try to curb emissions and the destruction of our water, food, and air; or not to act, to continue down the same road. They both have their negatives and their positives. If we act, we will spend resources and energy on something that could turn out to be useless, but if not will help our race survive. In doing nothing we'll save those resources for another day, but there might not be another day.

So we are left with four results: Act, and help curb the effects of the climate change; Act, and nothing happens because this is "silly"; Don't Act, and nothing happens; or Don't Act, and the survival of the human race is threatened.

For me this is a no brainer, as for most of you reading this blog I imagine, ACT. I have grown found of us humans, and would like to see us populate the universe in time. As I believe this is our purpose, if we have one at all.

Its a shame we are mostly to late, I see tough times ahead for the human race. Not the planet itself, she will be fine. She's stronger than we can imagine. Life and this planet will survive much longer than us, if we are not careful.

The future I see, is life becoming difficult, but in the end we survive, not fall. We learn from out mistakes as a race, not falling back into the world of superstition. Our progress in space is further halted, but in time we settle the habitable parts of our solar system. Learning more and more, we eventually leave out solar system to explore the milky way, and eventually other galaxies.

This can be our future if we want it to be.

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